Emergency Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Georgia
At the end of 2018 the Government of Georgia transferred the Emergency Management Service under the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a part of ongoing institutional and functional reforms taking place in the EMS. The purpose of the reform is to create an effective system of civil protection which strengthens interagency coordination in response, as well as prevention, preparedness and recovery. One of the priorities in the institutional development of the service is the enhanced capacity of the training centre for new and experienced firefighters, rescuers, CBRN responders, local crisis managers and volunteers.
Georgia’s Law on Civil Security establishes unified emergency management
system, which in its turn unifies all governmental and non-governmental
organizations, cancels some previous regulations in civil protection field, So,
according to this law they (organizations/authorities) will have more clearly and deeply defined objectives and tasks at all emergency management full cycle.
Civil Protection Common system is a unity of government agencies, subordinated institutions within their coverage, legal entities of public law, organizations engaged in fire safety under the national, autonomous republican, regional, municipal authorities, which are aimed at the prevention and preparedness to emergencies, while in the case of actual emergencies – response and recovery, civil safety, protection of economic institutions and environment, 95 reduction/decrees of material damage and losses, along with the protection of citizens in emergencies resulting from hostilities, provision of safe and stable operation of facilities categorized as civil safety institutions. This system ensures the implementation of relevant measures within the main phases of emergencies (prevention of emergencies, preparedness to emergencies, emergency response and recovery), organization and management of response forces, creation of material resources.
Civil Protection system at every level of governance is based on Georgia’s Law on Civil Security, national plan of public safety and other legal instruments.
Emergency situations characteristic according to their origin within Georgia’s
territory could be of the following type:
Following types of emergencies are defined in Georgia on the grounds of the
volume of results caused by emergencies, response forces needed for their
liquidation and amount of material resources:
National (Central) Level – Emergency Management Agency under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia; B. Autonomous Republic Level – Territorial Unit ofthe Agency in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara; Regional Level - Territorial Units of the Agency, which are established in a city which hosts the Administration of the Governor/State Representative; D. Local Level – Territorial Units of the Agency, which are established within the coverage area of the respective local authority.
Civil Protection measures are financed from the national, autonomous republic and local budgets, along with other sources of funding permitted in the legislation. Emergency response and liquidation of consequences are financed in line with the rules defined by the Government of Georgia.
Authority of the executive government of Georgia in the area of protection of
citizens and land in emergencies within the scope of competence is defined in the National Emergency Response Plan for Civil Protection.