The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan has a clear determination of powers in the field of civil
defence/protection that is enucleated in an almost exhaustive way in the Decree N 394 “on approval of the Regulations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Azerbaijan Republic, structure of the Ministry and the number of staff”.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan is the main
institutional player in DM. Being a republican executive body, thus expression of the Government and Parliament; it develops implements and coordinates the policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the fields of CP and civil defence. During times of emergencies it is responsible for coordinating and implementing activities aimed at the protection of the population through authorities vested in laws and other relevant legal acts. The national functions of civil defence in the Republic are carried out by the civil defence system. This system embraces all government agencies, corporations, enterprises, institutions, organizations and other entities, irrespective of their ownership, as well as their personnel and resources. It performs civil defence activities throughout the entire country and its territorial units. There are civil defence headquarters in the central and local bodies of executive power, as well as corporations, enterprises, institutions and individual facilities, which organize and carry out civil defence activities.
Civil protection and disaster prevention are tasks of state Civil Protection system.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations is responsible for civil protection in
coordination with the relevant state entities.